Friday, April 5, 2013

Project stuff, the unwanted sequel.

So we're supposed to grade ourselves on the presentation out of 30 points.
I'm almost afraid to do this. I was very afraid and nervous during my presentation and I think it showed quite a bit in my presentation. I forgot to make an entire point, a large one that contributed to the bulk of  my humor and made the presentation cohesive.

So here goes my grading...

Based on the rubric, there were 5 parts: timing, visual, content, organization, and delivery. I weighted each out with content and delivery being the bulk of the points since they shine through the most.

  • Timing: 2/2 
    • I gave a 2/2 because even though it felt short to me, it was probably within the 4-5 minute range. I have no real concept of time, and if I started my presentation at 12:40 and the person after my presentation's presentation was 7 minutes with questions, mine would've only been 7 including questions and set-up. If the person after me took 8, mine was 6 et cetera.
  • Visual: 5/5 
    • I gave myself a 5/5 because I had a powerpoint and I think it suited my needs. Although there were a total of about 5 words on it, I think that helps me drive the presentation myself and not the powerpoint. With the pulling the yarn visual, I think that it helped me bolster the visual grade.
  • Content: 8/10
    • I gave myself an 8/10 because I skipped over some of my content making a transition. I was really upset about it after I moved on another slide and I realized I had.
  • Organization: 3/3
    • Not much to it here, I had a beginning, middle, and an end so I think it is acceptable to give myself some points here (same with timing).
  • Delivery: 5/10
    • This is where I really lose points. In my head, it was going to be really grand and amazing, but once I got to the stage my dream fell to shambles. (Life has killed this dream I dreamed) When I practiced during the I&E period for my friends they told me it was good and all I needed to do was fix a typo in my slides, which I did. I think the thing I need to work on for next time is my delivery in front of a lot of people. I can speak quite eloquently for my friends and deliver a good presentation to them, but as soon as I get on stage or pressure is added, I fall apart. In my last presentation the same thing happened. My hands got all sweaty and my words got jumbled and I fell off script. 
Ouch, that's like a 76%. Not good but I feel like I did a bad job compared to the other people who have presented. I wasn't the worst since I presented and I had slides (not pointing fingers). I had a script, but I didn't bring note cards and in retrospect, knowing that I get really nervous I should've prepared some. I had almost an hour before the presentation and I didn't rehearse because I was afraid to, but I think I should have. I hope the blog posts can at least bolster my grade a little. The blog is about 50-60% of the project and the project pitch is another 10% I think I can hopefully at least get a 70% overall on this project (this is not a good outcome, I was hoping for at least a 90% so I can get an A in both Gifted classes for the first time in my life. The gifted section is usually what brings my grade below an A, so I really want to get above an A on this part). I am being a little hard on myself and I hope that all these negative comments won't come through in the actual grading for the end of the quarter. I think I'd cry :'(. 

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